Addictions come in many forms. From food, work, gambling, and alcohol, to sex, love, exercise, and drugs. No matter the type of addiction, the impact on people’s lives is enormous. Whether addiction affects you or someone you love, your life may be greatly influenced by it too.
I am very familiar with the 12-step models and can provide therapy to support your or your loved one’s recovery program. I can help you navigate the world of addiction, including the causes and purposes, as well as the cravings, compulsive behaviors, relapses, and complications that come with recovery. I use a combination of behavioral and psychodynamic interventions, and I also use structured programs and assessment tools for those seeking a concrete plan of recovery.
With sexual addictions specifically, I practice the gold standard of treatment developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes and am certified in implementing his program.

Request an Appointment

(818) 850-1171

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